Maurício nunes dos reis

26 years old, Single.
Address: São Paulo - Pinheiros
Phone: +55011963314092
Github: mauricionr
Skype: mamaskt10

Short description

Hi, My name is Maurício nunes dos reis, i'm from São paulo and i was born in Piquete - São Paulo.
The main things in my life is my family, travel, web programming, build bots/chatbots, solve problems, automate things, contribute to open source projects, soccer and made my own beer.


JavaScript(ES5/ES6/ES7/ES8), NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3/4, Sass/Less, Service worker API, Credentials API, Web Payments API, REST API's, MarkoJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, Ionic, PWA, NoSQL, PostGreSQL, Firebase, Linux, NGINX, Varnish, Scrum, Git/Github, Tests, Chatbots, Web RTC, AMP, Code review, Pair programming, Social coding, Self-taught, BabelJS, GulpJS


Current: Petlove
Start Date: 02/2017
End Date: -
Role: Front-end developer working with JS/NodeJS, Rails, Projects: ecommerce improvements to support PWA/Service worker, Credentials API/SmartLock, Pay with google/Payment Request API, AMP Project

Last Experience:

Start Date:09/2014.
End Date:08/2016.
Role: Full-Stack Developer / SharePoint Developer
Projects: Focused in new apps and also sharepoint i created ypost with nodejs and react, manage ypost infrastructure with microsoft azure, integrate ypost with sharepoint using them as a service Integrations with .net wcf and consuming the rest endpoint with angular Sharepoint app using angular Portal using sharepoint Portal using sharepoint and angualrjs

Previous Experiences:

Simbiox: Front-end Developer / SharePoint Developer
Start Date:09/2016.
End Date:02/2017.
Creating custom solutions like intranet, portals using sharepoint javascript library and consuming the REST API’s

Lenord: Freelancer Full Stack developer
Start Date:09/2014.
End Date:08/2016.
Creating bots with nodejs, progressive web apps, hybrid app with ionic, API’s with rails and mysql

Simbiox: Front-end Developer / SharePoint Developer
Start Date:10/2013.
End Date:09/2014.
Creating custom solutions like intranet, portals using sharepoint javascript library and consuming the REST API’s

Done IT: Front-end Developer / SharePoint Developer
Start Date:05/2013.
End Date:10/2013.
Creating custom solutions like intranet, portals using sharepoint javascript library and JQuery

Brisa/LG: QA Tester
Start Date:09/2012.
End Date:05/2013.
Testing LG smartphones, finding bugs, reporting bugs for developers in korea

Samsung: Technical support for customers
Start Date:01/2012.
End Date:09/2012.


ISTQB - International software Testing Qualifications Board(12-CTFL-02221-BR).


English - intermadiate/advanced
Portuguese - Native

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